The News in English with Emma and Diana

Hello everyone! It’s Emma and Diana here today for The News in English!

Today we will be discussing two news articles. Emma has chosen an article and so have I, but neither of us know what the other one’s is about.

Neither of us are avid news readers, so this is the perfect reason to start digging around and maybe discover something interesting for ourselves as well. Needless to say, we are very interested in your opinions, ideas and questions, so don’t be shy and leave a comment.

Before you get comfy, adjust your headphones and grab that big cup of steaming tea, let’s quickly go through the new vocabulary.

New Vocabulary From This Episode:

Department store - a large shop that provides with a large variety of goods in different departments (clothes, technology, toys, etc.)

A lease - a contract by which one party conveys land, services, etc. to another for a specified time in return for money.

To go hand in hand - to be closely related; to happen at the same time or as a result of it.

Substantially (cheaper) - considerably, a lot (cheaper).

To entice (someone into doing something) - to attract or tempt by offering advantages or pleasure.

Drastic - extreme, radical.

Convenience - comfort; the state of being able to do something without difficulty.

Window shopping - the activity of looking at goods displayed in the shops, without the intention of buying any.

To burn a hole in one’s pocket (about money) - money, that one is tempted to spend.

Eliminated - completely removed or gotten rid of.

An outbreak - a sudden occurrence of something negative, such as war or disease.

To stem from - to originate from

MMR - measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine (usually given to young children).

Discredited - having lost respect or credibility.

Extinct (about species or other larger groups) - having no living members.

  • Nim says:

    Hi Emma and Diana,

    Thanks a million for a warm conversation in this podcast.

    Well, talk about shopping it would come to my mind by “ladies” include myself 😊 online shop (clothes, cosmetics, etc) are so huge in Thailand, I am not sure about the market size but I can relate from people around me. This business has grown up because we need convenience (same teacher Diana said) another point from my thought is paying method that so easy, everyone now has mobile and we can do everything by that…..”just click” and goods will come to you at home. Some online shop offers that we can pay when we get the a right goods ( it seems fair to the customers).

    However, I think some goods/survice is okay to see at the physical shop for example, wedding studio shop, I think women and men would like to try and see the real suit/dress.

    That’s all I want to share my thoughts. Have a lovely day teachers💕🌻🏖 looking forward to hearing in the next podcast.

  • Kani says:

    Good to learn new words

  • Belén says:

    Gracias,está muy bueno!

  • Jana says:

    Really nice podcast.I have picked up really nice English expressions and found out something new.Thanks girls and keep going.

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