How to SELL Yourself in English

What does it mean to sell yourself in English? We can actually use this expression in a few different ways, so it's important to be clear here. When I say "sell yourself", what I mean is to convince someone of your own potential or worth. When you go to a job interview, for example, you try to sell yourself. You try to convince the person who is interviewing you that he or she would benefit from hiring you. If you're trying to sell a product to someone, it's the same idea: You're trying to convince that person that they would benefit greatly from purchasing whatever it is you're trying to sell them. 

 So how can we be better sales people? What does it take to excel in the field of sales? What about selling things in a foreign language? And is it possible to be good at sales if selling things is not something that comes naturally to you?

Sell in English

These are the questions that I discuss with my guest in this episode of the EnglishTVLive podcast. If you're interested in business and sales, or if you don't have much confidence when communicating in English, OR if you're just in the mood to listen to two close friends have a long conversation in English about a wide variety of topics...this episode is for you. 

My guest this week is named Richard. We met when we were in elementary school almost 20 years ago. In addition to being a big EnglishTVLive fan, Richard is an expert when it comes to all things sales, and in this episode, I wanted to pick his brain a little bit and learn more about how he's able to do what he does.

Richard is also just a fascinating guy who is a lot of fun to talk to. He's been on the podcast before, and I'm sure he will be in the future.

In this episode, Richard and I discuss: 

  • How one can develop sales skills even if the process of trying to sell something doesn't feel natural. 
  • The importance of having confidence in one's self and one's product. 
  • Business, building websites, and the state of advertising in the year 2018.
  • Richard's recent difficulties finding a suitable gym. 
  • And much, much more! 

My challenge question for you:

Near the end of this episode, Richard and I speak about some of the creepy things that are happening right now in the world of advertising. Are you concerned about how powerful ads are becoming? Are you worried that machines and computer algorithms know us better than we know ourselves? Let me know what you think in the comments below! 

  • Adam Abdallah says:

    Very nice

  • Anastasiia says:

    Hello, Jacob! Thank you so much, this podcast is just amazing, I loved it.
    As for your questions, I wouldn’t say I feel the great power of ads much. It is usually easy to undertand the algorithm that made some targeted ads suddenly appear in my browser. If I was searching for a special book in online bookshops, it’s natural for me to notice later some ads offering it for a reduced cost. Well, at least, I have never faced such creepy things you had.
    I also believe the fact that machines can know us better than people shouldn’t be considered as something negative. I would say we should be proud of such great technical achievements of our world.
    However, I would point out the necessity of limiting the power of such algorithms and instruments as they mustn’t invade our privacy. Otherwise we may once awake in a world decribed in Orwell’s ‘1984’.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Awesome Anastasiia šŸ™‚ Glad you liked it! And yes, I agree that there’s a risk of things getting pretty Orwellian if we’re not careful!

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