How To Improve Your
English Listening Skills

"How can I improve my English listening skills?" I get asked this question A LOT, and my answer is always the same: Start listening to real, unscripted conversations between native English speakers.

I truly believe that there's no better way to improve your English listening skills. And now that podcasts are a thing, listening to real English conversations is easier than it ever was before. Let's start with the problem though: why is it so difficult to understand native English speakers?

Improve Your English Listening Skills

Understanding Native English Speakers 

When I was in university, I spent two years studying Russian. 

My teacher was an older Russian lady with a heavy accent. She was quite funny, and she loved to tell us stories about what her life was like when she first moved to Canada. 

"I used to study English in Russia," she once told us. "I always had the best marks in my class, and before moving to Canada, I was confident that I'd be able to speak in English without any problems. I was soooo cocky!" she said. 

To be cocky means to be too confident in your own abilities 😉 (I still remember the way she sounded when she uttered this last sentence, haha.) 

Understanding Native English Speakers

"But when I first arrived in Canada," she continued, "it was as if all of the people were speaking a language I had never heard before. I couldn't understand anything, and I felt like a complete idiot!" 

All of us laughed. She had a big smile on her face.  

The experience that my Russian teacher had when she landed in Canada is not so uncommon. Many people who have studied English for years still have a lot of trouble understanding native English speakers.  

And the reason for this is that real English conversations are messy.

Native English speakers often speak in sentence fragments; we ignore basic grammatical rules; we use all sorts of slang words and idioms; and the English language--like all languages--is constantly changing. 

So...what can be done about this? How can English learners improve their listening skills and get to the point where they have no problems understanding natural English conversations?

I suppose you could move to Canada and live here for a long time like my Russian teacher did...

English Podcast to learn English

The EnglishTVLive Podcast

Or, you could start listening to the EnglishTVLive podcast. 😉

I created this podcast because I wanted to give you the opportunity to listen to REAL English conversations. 

There's no magic solution to the problem of not being able to understand native English speakers. It takes a long time, and a lot of hard work. It's not something that will happen overnight. 

My hope is, though, that if you continue to listen to this podcast, your ability to understand natural English conversations will improve over time.  

None of the conversations you'll hear on this podcast are scripted. Sure, I begin each conversation with a vague idea of where the conversation will go. I usually have a few notes written down on a piece of paper before I begin each episode. 

Then, I hit the record button, and I start talking. 

So, let's see where this podcast goes! Feel free to let me know what you think about each episode by leaving a comment on our website 🙂 

English Listening Skills and Idioms

In episode one of the EnglishTVLive podcast, I interviewed Lloyd, the Co-founder of EnglishTVLive. We tell the story of how EnglishTVLive began, and we teach you 3 useful idioms that you can use to sound more natural in English. 

The idioms that we used in our conversation are listed below. I've also posted some excerpts from our conversation in which we explain what these idioms mean! 

Here's what I would recommend to get started:

Download the podcast. Listen to the episode and see how much you understand. Afterwards, come back to this post and study the idioms that are listed below. Then, if you'd like to share your thoughts about the episode or practice using any of the idioms we introduced, leave a comment below 😉 

1) To hit it off (with someone)

English listening skills with idioms

Have you ever met someone who you seemed to have an instant connection with? 

This happens every once in a while, and it sure is nice when it does!

Sometimes you meet people who you immediately feel comfortable around. You don't understand why, but you feel like you can just be yourself!

Well, there's a great idiom that you can use in English in a situation like this. To hit it off (with someone) means to feel a close connection with someone right away.

I used this idiom to describe how I felt when Lloyd and I first met. I felt like the two of us hit it off. Listen to the excerpt from episode one of the podcast below 😉 

Learn how to use hit it off in conversation!

Jacob : I think this was back in March, in 2018 in March. Lloyd and I did a podcast together, and at the time I was podcasting for my own podcast, The Jacob teacher podcast, and I had been in touch with Lloyd for a while at that point. We had been in touch online. We had sent messages back and forth and we had planned to do something together but we hadn't yet.

Finally, I invited Lloyd onto the podcast. We met for the first time on the podcast, really, and Lloyd and I hit it off immediately--and that's the first idiom that I want to teach you today: To hit it off with someone. Lloyd, why don't you take over here and tell people what that idiom means to hit it off with someone.

Lloyd: That is a nice idiom. I like that, and I do agree--yes, we did definitely hit it off. So when you hit it off--this is when you meet somebody for the first time and the two of you have a connection right from the beginning.

So, maybe you've never met before but the first time you meet, you feel very comfortable with each other. You have-- you're on the same wavelength--that's another idiom. So you hit it-- hopefully that's not not not another one you're going to talk about today.

OK. Just just double checking. So, yeah, hit it off. You can use this in a few different situations. Obviously in our case with the with the podcast we hit it off in a friendly way, but you can also use this pretty commonly in a dating way, in a dating scenario. So let's say you go on a first date with somebody. Maybe it's a blind date and you've never met before, but you hit it off.

How to use this idiom naturally:

This idiom is very commonly used in the context of romance. (EX: John and Lisa seemed to really hit it off at the bar last night. I think they'd make a good couple!)

You can also use this idiom in a non-romantic context. This is how I used the idiom in my conversation Lloyd. (EX: Lloyd and I hit it off immediately when we recorded a podcast together.) 

CHALLENGE QUESTION: Leave a comment and tell me about a time when you hit it off with someone. 😉

2) Paralysis by analysis 

English listening skills | Idiom practice

I love this expression. 

Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move. People who are physically paralyzed, for example, can't move their bodies. Sometimes, though, we feel like we are paralyzed when we have to make big decisions in life. 

Imagine the following scenario: James and Jessica started dating 1 month ago. Things are going well, and they both really like each other. Yesterday, though, James received notice from his boss that he will need to move to a new city for work.

James has a decision to make: Should he stay in the new relationship with Jessica and try to make things work while they both live in different cities? Should he try to find a new job so that Jessica and him can live in the same city? Should he end the relationship with Jessica and hope that he'll meet someone new in his new city? 

When we have to make big decisions in life, we often analyze each possible choice in great detail. We list out the pros and cons of each possible outcome, and we decide what to do. 

Sometimes, though, we get stuck. We spend too much time analyzing everything. We get paralysis by analysis.  

When Lloyd and I were trying to decide which project we should move forward with, it felt like we had paralysis by analysis. We were thinking too much about all of the different ideas we had. We were overthinking.

Listen to the excerpt below to see how we used this idiom in our conversation.  

Learn how to use paralysis by analysis in conversation!

Jacob : We met quite regularly--I'd say maybe once a week. We would meet on Skype. And we were--we would talk and talk and talk about different project ideas.

Eventually, I ended up moving to Ottawa in May. And at this point, we had been talking about a number of different ideas that we were interested were interested in and we decided to move forward with EnglishTVLive. One of those ideas was EnglishTVLive.

This was back in May, and I remember right before we moved forward with EnglishTVLive, right before we made that decision, I was speaking with Lloyd.

And we had been talking about so many different ideas at this point, and I just said to Lloyd: "You know what? Like let's just move forward. Let's just move forward with this idea. Let's just start EnglishTVLive. We both like it. I feel like I've got paralysis by analysis right now, and I think I used those exact words.

And that's the next expression that I want to teach you today: Paralysis by analysis. So Lloyd I'll pass things off to you again. Why don't you teach everyone what this expression means.

Lloyd: So as Jacob said we were talking and talking and talking for months and months on end--there's another good expression. Months on end: when something continues, keeps going.

And we were over thinking it--over thinking. So we were thinking too much and we were just thinking at that point, "All right. We need to get started. We need to do something! We need to--we need to get going with EnglishTvLive. So, paralysis--if you're paralyzed, you can't move, right?

So if your body is paralyzed you can't move. But, you could also be--another example could be could be paralyzed by fear. If you're too scared to do anything you can't do it. You can't. You feel like you're paralyzed. And in this case, paralysis by analysis--which has a ring to it, right? It rhymes. So paralysis by analysis--a nice little expression there.

So when you are overthinking something so much, and because you're over thinking, you're not doing anything you're just thinking thinking thinking and you're not taking any action. So sometimes it's better just to just to just to do anything instead of thinking too much. So paralysis by analysis.

How to use this idiom naturally:

  • Use this idiom sparingly! It's not an idiom that we use often, and when we do use it, it's usually when we're talking about a serious decision that we're struggling to make.  
  • Paralysis by analysis is most often something that you have in English. (EX: I really don't know what to do! I feel like I have paralysis by analysis.)

3) A sign of the times 

Quick question for you: When you go to a restaurant, do you keep your phone on the table beside you? 

It's not so uncommon. In fact, I'm at a coffee shop right now with my brother. We're both working on our computers. My phone is on the table beside me, and his phone is on the table beside him. I just looked around at some of the other people who are here. There are lots of phones on tables!

This is a sign of the times. If something is a sign of the times, it is an example of what society is like. Going back to the example of phones on the table: Most of us spend a lot of time on our phones. We rely on our phones each and every day. And the fact that many of us choose to keep our phones on the table when we're out in public shows how true this is! 

Listen to the excerpt below to learn how to use this idiom in conversation. 

Learn how to use a sign of the times in conversation!

Jacob : And the last idiom, moving towards it. Lloyd, I was thinking the other day--actually, I've thought about this a few times. One thing that's that's pretty interesting about what we're doing is that we've never met in real life. We've only met online which is kind of crazy to think about, isn't it?

Lloyd: That is pretty crazy, Yeah. But it's the same with with Emma and Terry and Nataly. Yeah, we are colleagues, co-workers, but we have never physically met in real life. It's very crazy.

Jacob: Yeah, and I think the fact that we're trying to start a business together without ever having met in real life is a sign of the times. That's the last idiom that I want to teach you guys today.

If something is a sign of the times, that thing is kind of an example of what society is like right now. Okay, so, I just said the fact that we're trying to start a business together without ever having met in real life is a sign of the times. It's 2018. You can start a business with someone; you can develop a relationship with someone online without ever meeting them in real life; it's a sign of the times. It shows what society is like.

How to use this idiom naturally:

  • Most often (but not always), we use this idiom when we're speaking about some negative aspect of society. When we do use this in a negative context, it is like we are criticizing society. 
  • Remember, something IS a sign of the times. Don't forget that "to be" verb. 


So, that's about all I have to say in this very first episode of the podcast! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Have you ever hit it off with someone before? Have you ever experienced paralysis by analysis? In your opinion, what's something that is a sign of the times?

I hope that you have a fantastic day. I've had way too much coffee, and I think I'm going to take my phone off the table and go for a nice long walk. I'll be back soon with another episode. Later! 

  • Alena says:

    Great job, Jacob and Lloyd! It was a real pleasure to listen to you again and to learn some new idioms)) Can’t wait to hear from you again) Thanks a lot!

  • Tony Mendoza says:

    (Hit it off) Talking about romantic partners, I would say that It´s been a while since I hit it off with somebody, in a romantic setting as you already said on this episode correctly guys, basically because I haven´t had maybe the time, and although I have met amazing girls, there hasn´t had the right chemistry to get that connection in a romantic way over the last year I would say. Of course, I would like to hit it off with somebody, but as you explained in this Podcast, this is something we cannot plan, I mean this is something that just happen, like a magical moment, something that we find out in that special moment, I mean, but only when the stars and universe align when an unexpected and nearly impossible even takes place and you feel that moment, I think it´s like the perfect sign you can see, in order to hit it off with someone.

    (Paralysis by analysis) Before joining EnglishTVLive I remember experiencing many times paralysis by analysis, because I wanted to join an online English club, but I was a bit sceptical about it because that it would be my first experience online, and I thought well, I think this is the right moment because If I cannot do it just right now, I think I will never do it, so, this is the opportunity that I was looking for, and now I am very glad to be part of this amazing group, and thanks to Jacob and Lloyd who had the vision to launch such a great project like this, In fact, I had been listening to JEP (Jacob English Podcast) for a while, I would say since January, I mean for a couple of months, and I thought that it would be a great idea to start something new, to start something different in order to push myself out of my comfort zone, that´s the main reason why I decided to join this amazing community, and I decided to take action and try to avoid experiencing again paralysis by analysis once and for all, and I have no regrets about it, because as I said already in my video which was posted on Instagram by EnglishTVLive, this is the best decision I´ve ever made in my life regarding to learning English, and I wanted to be able to crossover to the next level.

    (Sign of the times) Well, I would say that the fact that we are living in a society where we used to being connected all the time through technology, like smartphones, tablets or things like that, I do think that this is a “sign of the times” because we are living in a connected world with the IoT (Internet of Things) and it´s very common nowadays, basically because we are addicted to technology and social media, like the other day, I remember seeing on Twitter when Facebook dropped off, and immediately this news was widespread on the web, and many people started posting things like, the end of the world is coming. Another, example of the “sign of the times” we are living in, is the fact that when we post something on Twitter for instance and someone thinks that is inappropriate, or your are thinking in a different way than other people, immediately you start receiving negative comments about it, just for posting your ideas, or what you think about whether political, or socioeconomical issues, and I think this extremely common, that why we usually see some “memes” about it. For those who don´t know what a meme is; it´s a photo with some text added to it (making it funny), that is widely circulated on Internet.

    Well, I think this is all I have to say for now guys about these idioms. Thank you so much for recording this amazing Podcast Jacob and Lloyd. I really enjoy listening to it and I hope you can understand the main points I am trying to make here. Have a great day.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Excellent work, Tony 🙂 You wrote well. And that’s a nice explanation of a meme. I agree that it is very hard to hit it off with someone in a romantic way–definitely not something that happens every day! And I’m very happy that you’re enjoying being a member of EnglishTVLive. Awesome stuff! Hope you had a nice weekend.

  • Nim says:

    This is a really nice podcast, I love it. Thanks a million for creating this in Engtvlive, It’s not only for a membership it is for everyone who wants to improve English skills. All of teachers here are born to be as a big giver. Well, talk about the questions :1) When I was younger​ I used to think I was very shy and it was hard to me to made a new friend. I just realized​ now I can talk to strangers​ and many time we become friends or close friends easily, I would say I hit it off with them. 2)I had paralysis by analysis when I decided​ to quit from my first job because everyone​ was so kind to me but I wanted to get a new chance in my life. 3) Currently, In my country we can live in another place without our parents due to we sometimes have to work in different​ city that is a sign of the time.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Awww, well thank you, Nim! 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying the podcast. And all of the examples you gave are great! Thanks for the comment.

  • Zoé says:

    My life can relate with all of that you were teaching today.
    I am about to open a new chapter in my life. My vision of my future changes day by day. I can see many of different path. I got paralysis by analysis. However, I know that we need to take action instead of overthinking because we can not predict the future. We only can create it.
    I have a great friend in Chile. I Europe. We met once in India. We hit it off. We have a great friendship although we met just once in life. We are planning to meet and see what happens. 🙂

  • Aurora says:

    When I moved to UAE , I needed to speak English everywhere, for interview, for shopping, even to ask for anything you need, you just must to speak English,
    It is true I know English but I am not fluent, that caused big problem for me paralysised and struggled everytime had appointment for work which force me to analysis how I could improve my English,
    Till I found you guys in English tv live and hit it off you all and your way to simpliest all information to get so quickly.
    I am thankful for all off you, and efforts you do it to help us. Congratulation your fort podcast

  • Grace07 says:

    Hitt it off.
    Maybe, I’m born to talk and do the conversation with people. And I am no longer suprise if someone immediately smile and start talking to me.i usually hitt it off,with the most of the people I really love to come along with.And I don’t have any regrert keeping them as my near close family.

    Paralysis by analysis.
    When we start to talk to strangers they are no longer strangers,they become entertainer to hook your interest and be with them,this stuff always hit me to be in a paralysis by analysis mode more often.when people say goodbye to me it is really hard for me to recover especially when they suddenly gone due to their illness. Being emphatic is too hard to understand why I can’t get over and think over and over again.


    Sign of a time.
    I need to be strong because they requested it before they gone. So I think that is a sign of a time saying farewell perhaps and do my things here, be happy and I know someones pray for me to become successful and continue my life .

    I never be in paralysis by analysis situations.I usually concentrate too long for my goal to achieve. But I am totally weak when someone says farewell forever.

  • Ayoub says:

    Hello everyone
    Can I say it’s a sign of the time to go to a new place.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Hmmmm, I would need a little bit more context. Normally, though, you use this idiom when you see something that is an example of what society is like at the time.

  • Elizabeth Dominguez says:

    Yeah!! the podcasts are back. I really missed it. Even just 25 min, the time has flown to me. Keep it up guys!!

    Well when I was in high school, I met a friend who’s still one of my best friends. And the funny part was that in the three years of school we had never talked at all, until the last year, where we shared some lectures, I don’t remember exactly but somehow we hit it off immediately. We are so funny together, and sometimes we’re just talking and mixing the topics, we said What!! About what are you talking about? I’m talking now about another thing. lol

    When I move to live in another country one friend suggested me to open Spanish course, and at the first, I thought nobody wants to learn Spanish here, add that I’m not a teacher. After months she told me there were several people interested in, so I made the mistake so tell everybody about the idea, and I was looking for sources, and activities and nothing it was enough perfect to me, and I felt like I had paralysis by analysis.
    And the end I did not anything!
    So I do agree with J&L that is much better to do something, instead of overthinking.

    Nowadays they are many couples have been met online and have made a family. It’s just a sign of the times.

  • Jörgen Olsson says:

    You have formed a nice podcast interface/layout. You’re speaking in a nice pace.

  • Ahmed says:

    I think you for your e-mail. and i really want to improve my English skills the podcasts really help .

  • Rukhsana75 says:

    1-hit it off – My friend Saeeda and I hit it off instantly when I met her on first day of our university. 2- paralysis by analysis- usually I am not thinking too much but when I decided to search online English teacher so I felt paralysis by analysis before to join Jacob but today I am satisfied and happy that I made wonderful decision to join Jacob and came out from over thinking trap. 3- sign of time: I am confused about this one idiom that how can I use in sentence? Anyway it’s a wonderful episode. I enjoyed this podcast. Thank you Jacob and Lloyd.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Thank you Rukhsana! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂 You’re learning English online inside of a group with people from all over the world! That’s a sign of the times 😉

  • Nayoung says:

    It’s been quite a while since I dropped by for podcasts. I’m trying to catch up on all podcasts that I missed over the past months. Listening to this conversation between you and Lloyd, I realized how much you’ve made efforts in creating useful sources for English learners. That sure is something that I would like to appreciate. I’m really impressed by the way you elaborate even on podcate, as in introducing idioms and detailed explanations. How could we expect more than this? There are solid reasons why Englishtvlive should succeed. Brilliant ideas and lectures from amazing teachers, hard work, dedication and so on.

    I couldn’t just pass by without saying anything. Thank you Jacob and Lloyd.

  • Htet says:

    1. He and I hit it off after having conversation for a few times.
    2. I am thinking about my current relationship. I have paralysis by analysis.
    3. At the start of this month, I visited BKK with my sis and her friend. Both of them are teenage. I found that they were always trying to post their photos on facebook and making comments each other instead of enjoying the nature. That’s a sign of the times.

    • jacobteacher says:

      1. Nice!
      2. I think it’s very common for people to feel that way in relationships.
      3. Very true! Great point. I’ve noticed that too.

      Thanks for the comment 🙂

  • Sahar says:

    I always get aralysis by analysis when I have alot of housework to be done & I can’t decide which I should start first !😵

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