The most FASHIONABLE English Expressions!

Want to sound fashionable when speaking in English? If so, don't go anywhere! In this edition of the EnglishTVLive Podcast, I've chosen some of the most commonly used expressions related to clothing and fashion...

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She's ready to learn these expressions... how about you?

Expressions about Clothes and Fashion:

  • "To air your dirty laundry" - Ever seen people publicly arguing and letting the world know the intimate details of their private problems? If so, you can use this expression.
  • "Dressed to kill" - Don't be scared! This expression can be used to describe someone is is looking so stylish that no one can take their eyes off of them...
  • "Old fashioned" - Don't worry, we're never going to teach you old fashioned English here! If something is old fashioned it is no longer in style. This could describe clothes of course, but also ideas, music or even English expressions.
  • "To have a sense of style" - Is this the sixth sense? Quite possible. Some people have it and others don't, but having a sense of style can help you to stand out in the crowd for sure.
  • "She wears the trousers" - If someone wears the trousers (British English) or the pants (American English) this means that they are in charge in the relationship.
  • "Let the cat out of the bag" - If you reveal a secret to others that should have remained a secret you have let the cat (the secret in this case) out of the bag. Oh dear!
  • "Tighten your belt" - During hard economic times in our lives we need to be more careful with our spending, cutting down on various expenses. Or even when you are saving money for something like a new car. This can be described as tightening your belt.
  • "Put on my thinking cap - When challenging situations arise in our lives, we need to think carefully about what to do. This can also be referred to as putting on your thinking cap.
  • "Roll up your sleeves" - When you're getting ready to work hard you do this. Sometime literally and sometimes just figuratively.
  • "Wearing your heart on your sleeve" - If someone wears their heart on their sleeve, they are not afraid to say what they think, show their emotions and be passionate about things. Does this describe you?...

Alright, now it's time to look at these expressions in more details. Go ahead and listen to this podcast episode by streaming or downloading it at the top of this page. Then once you've finished listening, practice using some of these expressions in the comments below!

Stay stylish,

Lloyd šŸ™‚

  • Trudi says:

    What’s the word you used for the expression which was the one before the last one?

  • Aynur says:

    Thanks , for the useful expressions.

  • Wendy says:

    I don’t trust her anymore. After letting the cat out of the bag and hurted my feelings she acted like nothing has happened. Now, I have to tighten my belt, stand up on my own feet and roll up my sleeves to show her that I can do better than her.

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