Advanced English Vocabulary - The Letter "O"

My guest this week for the letter "O" did not omit anything during our conversation. She is someone who hopes that writing notes will never become obsolete, someone who worries that the popularity of babies playing with toys videos on YouTube is an ominous sign. Of course, I'm speaking about Vanessa from Speak English with Vanessa.  

The words that Vanessa and I discussed are listed below. Enjoy the letter "O" everyone 🙂 

5 Advanced English Words | The Letter "O"


If something is obsolete that thing is no longer in use. It is out of date. When I was younger, I used to love going to the mall to buy CDs. Now, everyone listens to music online. CDs are obsolete. ​​​​​​


Someone who is oblivious to (or of) something is unaware of that thing. 


If you omit something, you leave that thing out. Most often you'll hear this word used in the context of speech or writing. You can omit certain details when answering a question, for example. 


Something that is ominous is something that makes you feel worried because you think something bad will happen. The perfect example is an ominous cloud in the sky. Imagine you're on a camping trip. You look into the sky and see a dark cloud slowly heading your way. You could describe that cloud as ominous. 


Someone who is opportunistic takes advantage of situations in order to profit in some way. In the podcast, Vanessa and I speak about the extent to which online content creators are opportunistic. Curious to know your thoughts! Listen to the podcast and let us know what you think in the comments below. 

My challenge for you:

Try to combine ALL 5 words into a single sentence! 

Also, if you've missed any of the previous Advanced English Vocabulary episodes, you can find all previous episodes here: ​​​​

  • Irina says:

    Thank you! It was amazing))

  • Mehmet Kamuran PEKER says:

    Thank you for your diligient to learn us teach english.
    I always watching your videos on ypu tube. Especiallay advance words.

  • mahadia says:

    It was really helpful for my vocabulary skills. Thank you!

  • Sammy says:

    That’s Amazing Dude…😄Would love to listen you more…aahmm do you have a YouTube Channel…¿?🤔

  • Evan Wong says:

    Thank you very much for your YouTube lessons. I learn a lot

  • Anurag sharma says:

    Vanessa mam i don’t know that what is vocabulary, first of all you explain me that what is vocabulary and how to learn vocabulary

  • Aygun says:

    Thank you for the words😊 Opportunistic people usually omit ominous and obselete things on their life in order to make happy life😍

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