Advanced English Vocabulary - The Letter "L"

Want to improve your English vocabulary online? Well, you're in luck. I have a feeling that the 5 vocabulary words you'll learn in today's episode will linger in your mind for quite some time. I also have a feeling that if you keep listening to the EnglishTVLive podcast week after week, you'll be able to speak lucidly in English in no time 😉 

My guest this week is named Rosina. Rosina is a talented actor and musician. She's also very short, like me, and she laughs a lot. We met at a cocktail lounge here in Calgary where we worked together until a few weeks ago when Rosina quit in order to move back to Toronto. We were having a drink together shortly after her last shift; I told her about Advanced English Vocabulary, and invited her to join me for the letter "L".  

All of the words that Rosina and I discussed are listed below! As always, see if you can combine all five of these words into a single sentence in the comments section! 

5 Advanced English Words | The Letter "L"


If something is lavish, that thing is very impressive and expensive. Say the word lavish aloud right now. There's something about it that just sounds fancy, right? Whenever I hear the word lavish, I think of expensive things.

Ex: In the podcast, Rosina spoke about a time when she went to a lavish spa with a friend. 


Imagine a policeman pulls you over because you were speeding your car. Instead of giving you an expensive ticket, he decides to give you a warning. This policeman is being lenient. His punishment is not severe. The opposite of lenient might be harsh.


If something lingers, that thing stays around for a while, usually for longer than expected. Smells can linger. Guests at parties can linger. 

Ex: The guests at Aron's party lingered even after Aron had given many hints that it was time for them to leave. 


If a job/deal/opportunity is lucrative, that thing is very profitable. 

Ex: Rosina worked at this fancy hotel in Lake Louise called the Faimont. She earned good money working there. It was a lucrative job. 


Lucid can be used in a few different ways, but it basically means clear. If someone writes lucidly, their writing is clear. If someone becomes lucid again after an illness or accident, they are able to think clearly again. 

You can also have lucid dreams: dreams that are crystal clear! 

My challenge for you:

  • Nim says:

    Thank you so much for this lavish podcast. Can I say like this if I feel something valuable to my mind?

    Have a great weekend🌻🐳

    • jacobteacher says:

      You’re most welcome Nim. That wouldn’t be the best word to use. This podcast was very helpful, you could say 😉

  • Elmamoun khider says:

    Thank you
    Very useful

  • marlon says:

    humbly i like an student what way to speak in this course is very awesome and i am grateful

  • meerab says:

    this information is very informative , lucrative , lucid and lavish

  • Ronnie says:

    Hey Jacob, how’s it going pal? in order to see if I could use the five words properly, I made a short story where I used all of them, here I go!!

    Last year my wife and I went on a getaway weekend to a LAVISH hotel here in our country, we had such a blast there that we wanted to LINGER at least one more night, but soon I thought to myself that I shouldn’t be so LENIENT with my desires,and being more LUCID I thought that we’d need a more LUCRATIVE job if we’d really wanted to come back next year.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Very nice, Ronnie! I like this story 😉 Being “lenient” with desires sounds a little strange to me. A better way to say it would be, “I shouldn’t be so impulsive.” or, “I shouldn’t be so quick to act.”

  • Ronnie says:

    Hey Jacob, I wanna ask you a question, do you ever have thought of making the transcription of your podcasts? it could be pretty helpful to intermediate English students, it’s not necessarily has to be for free, it may have a low price,for instance.

    • jacobteacher says:

      Hey Ronnie! Great question. No plans as of this moment, but I can see this being an idea that we entertain in the future! Thanks for the comment.

  • zina says:

    Thank you so much. Really very interesting.
    She opened the door. She saw him with his lavish gift that he had bought for her. she wasn’t dreaming, she was lucid. How come, he appears after his long absence? He left her to settle down in an other country touted to give lucrative jobs. She released that she still loves him. She can’t help being lenient with him. She smiles and they had had a lingering hug.

  • zina says:

    Hello Jacob.
    I tried to use the five words. Please, tell me what do you think.
    She opened the door. She saw him with his lavish gift that he had bought for her. she wasn’t dreaming, she was lucid. How come, he appears after his long absence? He left her to settle down in an other country touted to give lucrative jobs. She released that she still loves him. She can’t help being lenient with him. She smiles and they had had a lingering hug.

    • jacobteacher says:

      What a story! I like it Zina 🙂 You definitely captured my attention. Nice work. Thanks for the sentence.

  • zina says:

    very interesting. Thank you.

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